Experience the Geneva Writers' Conference
For twenty-five years, hundreds of writers and dozens of top-notch instructors have taken part in the Geneva Writers' Group & biennial Geneva Writers’ Conference.
COVID created a bit of disruption, but we were able to hold our 13th Geneva Writers' Conference from November 3-5, 2023 at Webster University. The Steering Committee pulled together an exciting bunch of workshops and a group of instructors with a huge range of experience. It was our best ever conference!
Our 2025 conference dates are now set, so please save the date and check back for more information!
In the meantime, here’s what a few participants and instructors have said about past conferences:
Romesh Gunesekera, fiction author, instructor:
“Such an enthusiastic, keen and talented group of writers. It is a credit to Susan Tiberghien that a lively group like this can keep going and producing anthologies and new writing. The GWG values the shared experience and the support of a peer group in the difficult and often isolated business of writing.”
Jo Christiane Ledakis, poet & writer, interpreter, participant:
“High-caliber, rich, minutely organized like orphan Hugo’s magical clockwork, the GWC was a huge gift of learning, inspiration, craft, companionship and celebration.”
Naomi Shihab Nye, poet, literary prize judge, instructor:
“This eclectic family of voices representing so many countries, backgrounds, ages, and stories, demonstrates in the most powerful and moving way, what lives of expression can be and do.”
Diccon Bewes, non-fiction author, past participant, instructor:
“In one workshop at the 2008 conference I began with the line that had never progressed beyond the first few words. ‘It’s Heidi week at McDonald’s.’ That day the line became a paragraph, which then became a chapter, and led me to an agent, a publisher and my finished book, Swiss Watching.”
Carmen Bugan, poet and nonfiction author, participant, instructor:“The Geneva Writers’ Conference attracts writers with a strong international background and a drive for meaningful, urgent stories. It’s a celebration of languages and cultures where people share their craft and writing generously. It is a joy to be a part of this community.”